Frequently Asked Question.

What is bird's nest food made of?

T hese nests are actually made out of bird saliva, which has dried and hardened. That’s right; when you’re eating a bowl of bird’s nest soup, you’re having a bowl of spit (and other ingredients).

What is the food in the bird nest in Malaysia?

Edible bird’s nest is a highly nutritious and prized food product made from the saliva of swiftlet birds, harvested from caves or birdhouses. The picked bird’s nest cannot be eaten directly, but needs to be further processed before it can be eaten. Once cleaned and processed, it is known as Edible Bird’s Nest.

Why is birds nest expensive?

What is so unique is that rather than building nests from twigs they form intricately woven threads from their gummy saliva. These threads then harden when exposed to air. The reason why bird nests are expensive is due to the dangerous retrieval process and the painstaking cleaning process.

Can I drink bird nest everyday?

How often to eat bird nest depends on individual’s needs and budget. For regular maintenance, one can choose to enjoy the tonic once a week.

Why is birds nest so popular?

They are particularly prized in Chinese cuisine due to the rarity, high protein content and rich flavor, and are among the most expensive animal products consumed by humans, with prices up to about $4,300 per pound ($9,500/kg) depending on grading.